Macro Workshop

Macro Workshop BCC hosted a Macro workshop presented by Arnold Bester of F Stop Camera Club. Due to demand this workshop was split over two dates in February and March. The venue was at the Grove Coffee shop in Benoni, which apart from being a great venue also lent...


Wildlife Photography Outing What is the outing about: Wildlife PhotographyDate and Time: Saturday 26 June 2021Venue: Rhino and Lion Park, KromdraaiCost: Park Entry fee of R per person So, Saturday morning the 26th of June saw us on the road quite early to the Lion and...
Wildlife Photography Outing

Wildlife Photography Outing

Wildlife Photography Outing What is the outing about: Wildlife PhotographyDate and Time: Saturday 26 June 2021Venue: Rhino and Lion Park, KromdraaiCost: Park Entry fee of R per person So, Saturday morning the 26th of June saw us on the road quite early to the Lion and...


[ngg src=”galleries” ids=”95″ sortorder=”1881,1883,1884,1880,1885,1882,1886,1887,1888,1890,1889″ display=”basic_slideshow”] Next Club Event 18th August 2021. @19:00 This will be an Online meeting. See you all...